
2020 Header

Papers, not crumbs!

After facing decades of bipartisan attacks, undocumented immigrants are organizing to demand the permanent protection, dignity, and respect we deserve


2020 Header

Papers, not crumbs!

After facing decades of bipartisan attacks, undocumented immigrants are organizing to demand the permanent protection, dignity, and respect we deserve

Sign Up

Sign Up


We’re mobilizing to defend our communities from a second Trump presidency.

For too long, undocumented immigrants have been denied basic dignity and respect in this country.

We have lived with the daily fear of being separated from our loved ones or left to suffer and die in detention centers. We have been criminalized by police and terrorized by ICE. We have been forced to live in the shadows, unable to return home, and exploited in the workplace, even as our essential labor allows this country to function.

Now, Donald Trump is in office once again, with a fascist, anti-immigrant agenda. A cloud of uncertainty hovers over our lives as undocumented immigrant workers.

Trump promised to carry out a mass deportation against immigrants. He promised to tear families apart, to put children in cages, and to set up horrific concentration camps for immigrant families along the southern border.

We also make a promise - to continue to protect and fight for our communities at all cost. Movimiento Cosecha will NOT allow Trump’s plans to be successful.

We’re fighting for a better world for everyone - a world where everyone can live without fear and with respect and dignity, regardless of their immigration status. Sign up now to join us!


About Cosecha

About Cosecha

What is Cosecha?

Movimiento Cosecha is a national, non-violent movement fighting for permanent protection, dignity, and respect for all undocumented immigrants.


We are a network of immigrant leaders, families, and workers running local and national campaigns.

Across the country, we are organizing our communities to mobilize in the streets and fight for what we deserve: permanent protection for all undocumented immigrants.

Learn more about Cosecha